Duke Technologies has continued to devote significant resources to the development of new technologies. Current research includes:
• Pyrolysis of biomass
• Upgrading pyrolysis oils to transportation fuels
• Renewable biofuels
• Re-refining of used motor oils
Duke Technologies has three hydrotreating/hydrocracking pilot plants in our offices in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We also have a biomass pyrolysis semi works plant using our patented pyrolysis technology. This unit is housed in a building separate from our offices. Our wet lab has all of the analytical equipment that you would typically see in a petroleum refinery laboratory.
All of our process designs start in our lab with pilot plant testing of actual feed material provided by the client. Reactor conditions to produce specification products are verified through actual pilot plant runs. The equipment is then scaled up to commercial size from the pilot plant data. We have confirmed our scale up factors in the years since the first commercial facility was built in 2003 and have very high confidence in our scale up ability. This has been proven through the many commercial facilities that we have designed that are now in operation.