Around the world, the need for clean energy is rising. As the world population grows, so does the demand for transportation fuels and power. Duke Technologies provides environmentally sustainable solutions which meet the concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Duke Technologies’ technology uses renewable feeds that do not compete with the problems of global food shortage and do not deplete global water and land resources.
Clean fuels based on renewable feeds are an important element in meeting the energy requirements of the future. With Duke Technologies’ pyrolysis technology and MaxFlux™ hydrotreating technology, feedstocks derived from a wide range of biomass can be economically upgraded into transportation fuels.
Renewable feeds are converted into hydrocarbons identical to those found in diesel or gasoline in a hydrotreating process. The fuels meet all existing fuel specifications and are fully compatible with the current energy market making it possible to add the renewable fuels directly into the existing fuel systems without any adjustments.
• Fuel products meet all existing fuel specifications
• Renewable fuels can be added directly into existing fuel systems without adjustments
• Feedstock materials do not compete with food crops
• Processes do not deplete global water and land resources